

1997-09-19 Cavalier Daily Objectionable Ad.pdf
This letter to the editor objects to an advertisement placed in a previous Cavalier Daily issue,…

1996-04-19 Cavalier Daily Women Reclaim Night in Downtown Mall March (part 1).pdf
More than 100 women participate in the Take Back the Night march from the Downtown Mall to the…

Women reclaim night in Downtown march- Hill .pdf
"Marchers, including students and community leaders, gather downtown with banners and other signs."…

1988-04-01 - Women Must Take Greater Precautions.pdf
This article asserts that women should take greater safety precautions to avoid situations that may…

This article discusses a vigil held in support of sexual assault survivors, as well as what the…

UVA vigil targets sexual violence- Sanminiatelli .pdf
Rise in reported assaults spurs students and faculty to sponsor discussion on sexual violence at UVA

A black female student reports an incident in which a man shouted several racial slurs and a threat…



1984-04-17 Gay Group Receives New Name.pdf
Members of the University's Gay Student Union vote to change the name to the Gay and Lesbian Student…

1984-08-28 Washington & Lee to Admit Women Next Year.pdf
After conducting studies and surveying student and faculty opinion, Washington and Lee University…

1984-08-30 NOW Not to Protest 'Deep Throat' Show part 2.pdf
The Charlottesville chapter of the U.S. Junior Chamber ("Jaycees") holds its first coeducational…

1984-4-27 BLSA Leads in Fight for Racial Equality.pdf
This article reflects on activism by the Black Law Students Association, which protested the lack of…