

1986-02-05 - Warning to Potential Attackers, Victims.pdf
This letter to the editor by two Student Health gynecologists responds to the recent gang rape of a…

1985-09-16 - Tighten Punishment for Repeat Offenders.pdf
This opinion column reacts to the attempted rape of a sales clerk at the River Bend Shopping Center…

1998-04-23 Cavalier Daily Take Back the Night Must Accomodate Diversity.pdf
A student who attended the University's 10th annual Take Back the Night rally reports on his…

1996-09-25 Cavalier Daily 101 Proof.pdf
Administrators consider instituting a required UVA 101 safety awareness class to replace Grounds for…

1997-07-17 Cavalier Daily Class Action.pdf
This brief opinion article responds to four recent local assaults, and the rape of a 78-year old…

1997-09-08 Cavalier Daily Looking the Other Way.pdf
In the wake of the University Judiciary Committee's new responsibility for overseeing sexual…

1998-04-06 Cavalier Daily True Crime.pdf
This opinion piece responds to an incident in which a female student falsely informed authorities…

Cavalier Daily Apr 19, 1993 - Trespass; Caution.pdf
One letter to the editor reflects on recent instances of violence, including the rape of two female…

Cavalier Daily Apr 21, 1993 - Overdue.pdf
A letter to the editor states that recently increased security measures by University Police, such…

1984-04-19 Alarming Statistics.pdf
This article cites a drastic increase in the incidence of rape in Charlottesville, and reports that…

Public forum, study planned in response to attack at UVA-Bowman.pdf
"Following the alleged beating and attempted rape of a female University of Virginia student at a…

1996-08-24 Cavalier Daily University Promotes Safety (part 1).pdf
Amid the start of the 1996-1997 academic year, this article seeks to increase awareness of safety…