

Video of U.Va. President Teresa Sullivan's address to students regarding sexual assault

This document is the published results of a survey conducted by the Washington Post and Kaiser…

1998-04-16 Cavalier Daily Living in Fear.pdf
Immediately preceding UVA's annual Take Back the Night march, this letter to the editor advocates…

Cav Daily Sept 1 1992 - New Posts for Women & Faculty Woes at Darden.pdf
President Casteen appoints women and minorities to adminstrative positions to further diversity. In…

1996-11-13 Cavalier Daily Dropping Bombs and Chasing Skirts.pdf
This article reacts to a recent incident wherein three U.S. Army soldiers were charged with forcible…

1998-01-29 Cavalier Daily Clinton's Familiar Rhetoric.pdf
In the aftermath of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, this opinion article reflects on Clinton's history…

Cavalier Daily Oct 3, 1974 - University Crime Rate Ranks Sixth in Nation.pdf
An article discussing crime in Charlottesville after the city's crime rate is ranked 6th highest…

An account of four Virginia universities under investigation for complaints filed with the U.S…

1984-02-09 Women Dehumanized by Pornography.pdf
This opinion article discusses feminist advocacy in favor of banning pornography, and the common…

Cavalier Daily Apr 24, 1979 - A Slap on the Wrist.pdf
Following the verbal and physical assault of two female students by fraternity members, this letter…

A round-up of important email messages from Pres. Teresa Sullivan and other administrators to UVA…

A list of propositions for how to handle a case of sexual violence with respect for the survivor