

"CHARLOTTESVILLE — A federal jury has awarded $3 million in damages to a former University of…

"It’s been two years since Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s article “A Rape on Campus” was published…

This article lists new laws that were effective as of July 1, 2016. Two of these laws details the…

State case against Guerrini dismissed, charges dropped- Smith.pdf
"Circuit Court Judge Jay T. Swett dismissed the case of Commonwealth v. Keith A. Guerrini yesterday…

Two students attacked near Bonnycastle-Shuffain.pdf
"Four unidentified men allegedly assaulted a first-year male student Tuesday at approximately 11:15…

This is the civil suit report filed by Kathryn Russell against Curtis Ofori in the Circuit Court for…

A list of propositions for how to handle a case of sexual violence with respect for the survivor