

Being gay or lesbian in college- Guernnsey.pdf
"Life gets easier...but, by no means, easy"
Article discussing the struggles and issues faces by…

Beyer Wants to have a sexual assault registry- articles.pdf
Lt. Gov. Donald S. Beyer proposes a sex offender registry for VA, as well as an elimination of the…

Bills of Concern that Passed Both Houses- 1994- University of Virginia.pdf
A list of Virginia House Bills having to do with sexual assault that pertain to UVA as an…

Center focuses on assault education- Nixon .pdf
"As the Charlottesville police continue their investigation into the sexual assault incident that…

Coed Naked Education- Timlin.pdf
A history of women at UVA

Coming Out in Charlottesville- The Observer.pdf
Local activists notes that attitudes are changing about the gay community in Charlottesville and…

Crimes Against Nature- Chambers.pdf
Phi Kappa Sigma and accusations of sexual assault/sexism

Crisis Intervention- Rape Trauma Syndrome.pdf
Information on Rape Trauma Syndrome & its effects



Davie to participate in fellowship program- Cole.pdf
"Women's Center Director Sharon Davie has been chosen to participate in the American Council on…

Delayed Lawsuits- Thompson.pdf
Article about the delay of lawsuits on sexual abuse and the effects of these delays on the victims…

Domestic Violence- educational.pdf
Informational packet containing different explanations of domestic violence and its effects and…

Domestic Violence- The facts- Handbook.pdf
A Handbook to STOP violence by shattering myths, identifying warning signs, encouraging help